Corn + Water + Paper = a Revolutionary Eco-Friendly Coffee Cup

"For 25 years, we've said that we craft our coffee with care. Now our cups are crafted just as carefully," said T.J. Whalen, vice president of marketing for Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. "These cups, made from fully renewable resources, are part of our corporate commitment to environmental stewardship."
"Consumers will notice no difference as they enjoy coffee with this cup--but the environment will," said Austin Lance, VP/GM Foodservice Business of International Paper. "It's the first in what will be a series of ecotainer(TM) products that reflect our company's concern for the environmental footprint we leave behind."
The two companies have been working on the revolutionary cup for more than a year, including a blind market trial of nearly five million cups. Not only does the cup feature an eco-friendly liner, but the material used to create the lining is manufactured in a greenhouse-gas-neutral environment.
"Converting to this cup will mean that we consume nearly a quarter of a million pounds less of non-renewable petrochemical materials every year," said GMCR's Paul Comey, VP, Environmental Affairs. "That's why we think this is such a revolutionary eco-friendly cup."
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