EnviroCAB Launches the first carbon-negative taxicab company in the world

“We are thrilled to provide the environmentally-conscious with a taxicab service that guarantees a green ride,” said Hans Hess, enviroCAB partner. “By choosing an enviroCAB, passengers are also supporting the offsetting of emissions being spewed by the non-hybrid cabs in our area. We will effectively emit zero carbon dioxide, and we’ll also remove the emissions of two additional existing cabs for every enviroCAB we put on the street through our carbon-negative offset plan.”
EnviroCAB is the first carbon-negative taxicab company in the world and is:
• the first taxicab company within the Washington, D.C. region to put a fleet on the road comprised entirely of fuel-efficient, low-emission hybrid vehicles.
• the first taxicab company in the U.S. to completely offset its own emissions by purchasing “clean-source” offset credits.
• the world’s first carbon-negative taxicab service by offsetting the emissions of 100 of the approximately 685 non-hybrid taxis operating in Arlington,Va.
The company will emit 2.3 million pounds of carbon dioxide less than similarly sized standard taxi vehicles, and will offset an additional 1.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide emission for its fleet to be carbon neutral. By purchasing “clean-source” offset credits, enviroCAB will become carbon-negative by offsetting another 7.6 million pounds of carbon dioxide, or the equivalent of 100 older, fuel inefficient taxis. The taxicab company is already providing service to all major airports for many corporate clients who are “going green.”
Labels: cars, CO2, hybrid, transports
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